Four Tips For Choosing The Right Glasses Frames

23 July 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you wear glasses, then you know how dramatically your look can change depending on the frames you put on. You may love the way you look in one pair of glasses, but feel totally awkward in another pair. Choosing glasses can feel like an uphill battle, too! Follow these tips to simplify the process and make sure you find a pair you like. Consider Your Face Shape The best frame shape for you depends largely on the shape of your face. Read More 

Get Your Vision In Shape: 4 Tips

22 May 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your vision may not last for your entire lifetime, but it could if you're careful and keep your vision in top shape. Working on your vision is an important part of your health and is definitely something to which you should be paying close attention. To help keep your vision in shape, read on for some tips. 1. Watch For Vision Issues Stay aware of any changes in your vision. If you begin to notice that you're squinting to see things that were easy for you to see before, it may be time to get your eyes checked. Read More 

3 Tips To Promote Eye Health

29 January 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Sight is one of a person's most important senses, but it is not uncommon for people to take it for granted. Taking care of your eyes can go a long way toward keeping them healthy and ensuring that you can see throughout your lifetime. Regular eye exams with an optometrist, or an ophthalmologist if you have existing eye diseases or problems, can go a long way in preserving the health of your eyes. Read More