Recently Prescribed Bifocals? How Can You Prevent Them From Impacting Your Aim?

13 June 2016
 Categories: , Articles


If you're an avid marksman who enjoys hunting and target shooting, you may be dismayed at the news that you need bifocals, even wondering whether your shooting days are over for good. Unlike single-prescription lenses, which provide only one level of vision correction, bifocals include an additional magnifying lens embedded within the larger single lens. This dual-lens arrangement helps with reading and other activities that require clear close vision. However, accurately centering and aiming a rifle scope with bifocals can be a challenge, especially if you're still getting used to these glasses. Are there any options that can allow you to shoot as accurately as before without compromising your vision? Read on to learn more about the best types of bifocals for those who frequently use firearms. 

Why should you choose firearm-friendly bifocals for daily use rather than just at the shooting range?

If you tend to relax and unwind with a trip to the shooting range, you may assume that a single pair of bifocals that you use only at the range should be sufficient to allow you to maintain accuracy while shooting without requiring you to wear these bifocals on a daily basis. You may even opt to keep these bifocals in your vehicle or your gun transport case to reduce the risk of leaving them behind at your home when you have an afternoon on the range planned. 

However, should you find yourself in a self-defense situation, you're unlikely to have time to switch your glasses from your daily-wear bifocals to your gun range bifocals -- rendering all your target practice for naught. As a result, it's important to choose bifocals that can allow you to shoot accurately while still being close enough to your regular prescription for you to wear full time. 

What are the best types of bifocals for those who need to shoot accurately? 

Progressive lenses, or those that have a seamless transition between different prescription strengths (rather than a clear demarcation of the smaller semi-circle-shaped reading lens) are generally the best option for firearm enthusiasts. These lenses can make it easier to aim without requiring you to significantly change your stance, posture, or the tilt of your head. Although you'll still need to practice aiming and firing while wearing your progressive lenses until you're confident that your positioning is as accurate and comfortable as possible, these lenses should go a long way toward minimizing the consternation you may feel when trying to steady a target in the sight while wearing regular bifocals.

Progressive bifocal lenses can also be treated with a chemical that causes them to dim in bright sunlight or other natural light, reducing glare. Not only can this help protect you from being temporarily blinded by the reflection of the sun from a piece of metal or another shiny object, it can work in your favor if you find yourself in a life-or-death situation, as the person on the other side of the confrontation won't be able to tell where you're actually looking as you aim your gun. 

What else can you do to improve shooting accuracy when battling deteriorating eyesight? 

If you're still struggling with your aim even after switching to progressive lenses, you may want to focus on "point shooting" techniques. This school of thought places more weight on speed and instinct than sighting accuracy, and, with enough practice, can allow you to fire off a solid shot without even looking through your gun's sight. By practicing this method of shooting, you'll likely enjoy greater accuracy even when using a sight and can ensure that you won't ever be caught unaware by an intruder -- even if you're unable to locate your glasses.